Monday, April 14

Make Time for God

Suggested Scripture
John 3:22-36

Key Verse
He must become greater. I must become less. (John 3:30, NIV)

Each day demands much from us physically, emotionally, and spiritually. God only gives us twenty-four hours in each day, and sometimes that can hardly seem like a long enough period of time. Too many times I have pulled an "all-nighter" trying to cram as much as possible into that brief amount of time between sunrises, but forgetting to focus on who it was that created each day.

The busier our lives are, the more we find ourselves placing God further into the recesses of our minds. Instead of spending 15 minutes in heartfelt prayer as we start our day, we are more likely to spend 15 minutes checking email, lingering over the morning news, or staring into the closet trying to decide what to wear. The problem is not that I fail to make time for God; rather, it is that I make too much time for other things. This should not be.

God absolutely must come first on my list of priorities. I believe that the wording of this particular verse bears noticing. It does not say "I must become less, He must become greater." No. Instead, it says, "He must become greater." God's place in our lives, no matter how busy and demanding life may be, is first and foremost. God desires and deserves a greater place in our hearts. In doing so we will find that he can fill us to overflowing with an abundance.

Reflecting Pool

Do the things with which you occupy your time fill your heart with contentment?

What are some of the things that you have put ahead of God?

Deep Diving

Think of one thing you can put off for the moment in order to focus on God. Dedicate some time to Him before the day is over.


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