Sunday, September 2

Why I Trust God

Suggested Scripture:
Romans 8:18-31

Key Verse:

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels nor demons, nor things present nor future, nor height nor depth, nor any other thing in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

(Romans 8:38, NIV)

Throughout my life I have become more increasingly convinced that of the truths in this verse. No matter what the situation, or circumstances, God's love never ceases or fails. Even in the most fearful of places, we are not separated from His love. God is faithful to sustain us in every painful moment or hurting heartache.

Even in death, God's love sustains us. Death's sting cannot touch us or hold us if we are believers. In fact it is through death that believers are given a new life as we are welcomed into the presence of the Almighty God. For the Christian, death restores us to the perfect life God had in mind for us all along.

Angels nor demons cannot tear us from the grip of Christ's love for us. No created being (human, angel or demon) is as strong as the Creator. He holds us to Him with the tightest grip, ensuring that no lasting harm can come to us. Height and depth are unable to remove us from the reach of his loving hands. The Psalmist says that God's hand holds us fast even if we "rise on the wings of dawn" or "settle on the far side of the sea".

Jesus himself went to the greatest of depths by descending into hell all for the purpose of demonstrating his love for us. His love for us was present there, and is present now as he sits in the highest of heights on his throne in heaven.Nothing else in all of creation can separate us from God's love that is in Christ Jesus. All created things are subject to the Creator. We have no reason to fear anything because of the faithful promises that God has made to those who love him.

I am convinced that God has kept all of the promises mentioned in this verse, and is therefore worthy of my trust.

Reflecting Pool

When have you felt separated from God?

Do you trust Him to be near to you all times?

Are you convinced of these things just as Paul was? If not, why?


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