Monday, August 6


Suggested Scripture:
1 Corinthians 12:1-27

Key Verse:

The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts;
and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ.

1 Corinthians 12:12 (NIV)

Because I have cystic fibrosis, my doctor appointments are a lot more involved than most other people's. Cystic fibrosis affects many different parts of the body, so a variety of specialists are usually involved in my care. A pulmonologist and respiratory therapist monitor my lung health. A nutritionist or dietitian oversees my food intake and weight management. On occasion other specialty doctors are brought in as the need arises. I've seen gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, otolarynxologists, psychologists, and just about every sort of 'ologist' you can imagine.

Although each specialist is trained in a specific area, they (and I!) must rely on the expertise of the other doctors who are part of my health care network. They are all a vital component of what it takes to keep me as healthy and high-functioning as possible. Without their continued attention to me and their commitment to excellence in medicine, I would struggle.

Similarly, I would struggle with my spiritual life were it not for the church--the body of believers. God has equipped each of those parts with unique personalities, talents, and strengths. The church works most effectively as a team, combining individual characteristics to ultimately form a whole that is undoubtedly stronger than the sum of its parts. As Christians we are part of a team—the body of Christ. Because of this, we should exemplify an attitude of humility and strive to contribute to the whole in the most beneficial way possible. This is especially important when we consider how to influence others to draw them into God’s family

As individuals we are sometimes tempted to think that we are much more powerful and influential than we really are. Our society places a large emphasis on individuals rather than teamwork. Consider the recent slogan for the Armed Forces which says “An Army of One”. An army is not a single person, nor is Christ’s church any one person. When we lay aside our egos and become team players, Christ is honored, and we his teammates share that joy with Him.

Reflecting Pool

In what ways do you contribute your gifts and abilities for use in the body of Christ?

Do you ever struggle with thoughts that someone else's gift may be superior to yours?

If you aren't already, what are some ways you can become more involved at church?

Deep Diving

What should your overall goal and purpose be as a member of the body of Christ?


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