Leaving Sin Behind
Suggested Scripture: John 8:1-11 (NIV)
Key Verse: "Then neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin." v. 10
Judith Ann Hillard and I met at the Mount Hermon Christian Writers' Conference. We became friends instantly. As she shared a portion of her powerful testimony with me, I resolved to buy her book the first chance I got. The Other Woman at the Well: A Truthful Account of Addiction Overcome tells her story of cocaine addiction.
Had I seen her book on a shelf somewhere, I would have passed it by. Initially I was skeptical of whether I could be impacted by a story about drug addiction. As a person who daily battles the invisible illness that is cystic fibrosis, I have to take dozens of prescribed medications each day just to be "healthy." Why anyone would put drugs into their bodies for recreational purposes, was a concept I could hardly fathom.
Ms. Hillard's book opened my eyes. As her 'quilt-like' testimony spread itself over my heart, I began to feel something stir inside me. This woman was not just "some drug user." She is my sister in Christ, a person from whom the message of redemption emanates with a powerful voice.
At times I could hardly bear to keep reading. I was rattled to the core by the events of her life. I had to keep reading. I had to know what it is about her story that prompted the subtitle that includes the words "addiction overcome." Hers is indeed a story of addiction overcome; more than that, it's the story of what overcame her-the relentless love of a Savior.
Drug addiction is a physical symptom of the spiritual battle that is raging within all of us. Ms. Hillard's book is a must read for anyone who is ignorant of the war-torn battleground that is drug addiction. It's not an easy read, but neither is a Latin Vulgate translation of the Bible, yet both tell the story of redemption.
Today Judith Ann Hillard is no longer addicted. She speaks to groups on the subject of drug addiction every chance she gets. Her work as an author, educator, and dynamic public speaker are life-changing and even life-saving.
Do you struggle with an addiction of any kind? How does it impair you spiritually?
What is keeping you from leaving certain sins behind?
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