Tuesday, May 22

God Lives Here

Suggested Scripture: Joshua 24:13-27

Key Verse: But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.
Joshua 24:15b (NIV)

My in-laws have a beautiful door knocker that displays today's verse. It is a reminder to all who enter their home that theirs is a Christian home.

The term "Christian home" is a bit of a strange concept. Certainly a house can't be a Christian. What makes a home Christian is that the inhabitants practice Christianity. They love and serve God in their daily lives, and take advantage of every opportunity to read the Bible, pray with one another, and serve one another with loving attitudes.

But it's more than that.

What makes a home Christian is that fact that God dwells in it. He takes up residence in the hearts of those who love Him. He is welcomed into every room, every thought, and every decision. He is the true head-of-household. He protects and provides for those He calls His children and His beloved.

Reflecting Pool:

Do you live in a Christian home?

Does your relationship with God take a position of prime importance in your family life?

What things can you do to make sure that you and your household serve the Lord?



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