Friday, September 3


The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ.--1 Corinthians 12:12

The body of believers, Christ’s church, is made up of many parts. God has equipped each of those parts with unique personalities, talents, and strengths. The church works most effectively as a team, combining individual characteristics to ultimately form a whole that is undoubtedly stronger than the sum of its parts. As Christians we are part of a team—the body of Christ. Because of this, we should exemplify an attitude of humility and strive to contribute to the whole in the most beneficial way possible. This is especially important when we consider how to influence others to draw them into God’s family

We would like to believe our egos when they say things like “if it weren’t for me, so-and-so would never have come to church in the first place”. Although we may have played an important role in that person’s spiritual journey, it is ultimately God and the Holy Spirit who have an impact on someone’s heart. By this same token, we can release ourselves from the pressure that it is up to us to make sure someone becomes a Christian. We are responsible for doing our best to love that person and share with them God’s word when opportunities arise, but we need not press them about a decision to become a believer.

As individuals we are sometimes tempted to think that we are much more powerful and influential than we really are. Our society places a large emphasis on individuals rather than teamwork. Consider the recent slogan for the Armed Forces which says “An Army of One”. An army is not a single person, nor is Christ’s church any one person. When we lay aside our egos and become team players, Christ is honored, and we his teammates share that joy with Him.


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