Sunday, January 7

Any Volunteers?

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said "Here am I. Send me!" --Isaiah 6:8 (NIV)

God speaks to each of us in unique ways. There are times when He shows us quite clearly what it is we are to do. Other times He points us in a particular direction and from there we must rely on the prompting of the Holy Spirit to help us see where it is we are to go. What matters most is not how well we understand God when he calls us, but that we respond to his call unequivocally.

When God called Isaiah to go prophesy to the nations, Isaiah replied without hesitation. "Here am I. Send me!" He didn't know that the Lord had in mind for him to do, nor did he know where the path would lead him, still he bounded to his feet, ready to serve the Lord. God was about to do big things throughout the kingdoms of Israel and Judea, and Isaiah's short response was all God needed to hear before things really got rolling.

We need to have the same attitude about volunteering to be used by God that Isaiah did. Whether we know exactly what God has in mind or not, we must voice our availability as soon as God asks. When He calls our name and points us in a particular direction, we must step forward dutifully and say "here am I." We can do this without fear because we know that God will be with us every step of the way as we serve Him; it's His plan, we're just along for the ride.



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