Tuesday, June 14

Changing Seasons

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. --Ecclesiastes 3:1

I am not a person who handles change very gracefully. My natural tendency is to cling to that which is familiar while resisting new things. I've learned that there are distinct disadvantages to such behavior. In the first place, keeping a kung-fu grip on certain things can be extremely exhausting! Granted, there are some things and ideals that should never be relinquished, but for the most part, living a fulfilled life means learning to let go. Secondly, resistance to change can, in some ways, impede our progress in a relationship with God.

There is a time for everything. Life's seasons are characterized in many different ways, and throughout each season God has something to teach us. God is relentless in how he demonstrates his love for us, but if we are resistant to the idea of change, then we are resisting Him. God desires that we focus on Him. If we are forever looking in the rear-view mirror at a season that has passed, we may completely miss out on where God is taking us next.

Recently I've been attempting to control my own little corner of the universe when it comes to friendships. I felt like God had introduced me to new friends only to be taking them away after a short period of time. Today I realized that God is the one in charge of the changing seasons in my life. He brought certain people into my life when I needed them most. If I really believe that God provides for every detail of my life, then I need to trust that he will usher in the next season as friendships as He sees fit.

Seasons and friendships change, but God remains the same. Every good and perfect gift come from Him. I know that in order to receive those gifts, I need to have both hands available. As difficult as it may be, I need to release my stubborn grip. I don't know what God will be teaching me next, but I know that He has never disappointed me and never will.



At 11:41 AM, Blogger E said...

Change leads to new points of view and different perspectives. New perspectives can lead to deeper understanding which can lead to compassion for things that you might never have understood before.


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