Sunday, December 3

Praying in the Bathroom

Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. -- Psalm 51:10 (NIV)

Each morning, with bleary, half-open eyes, I open the bathroom cabinet and begin placing my medications in order on the counter. For all of my adult life I have been doing my best to take all of my pills, inhalers and vitamin supplements, as well as perform chest physiotherapy (a way of "jump starting" my wimpy lungs) as fastidiously as possible.

It is in my own best interest that I comply with my doctor's orders, even when it means getting up early and taking more than a dozen medications. Although some days I would much prefer additional sleep, I know that my physical well-being depends largely on my medications. Without them I am prone to infection and fatigue.

Similarly, my spiritual well-being is deeply rooted in making the effort to spend time consistently with God. When I start my day with prayer and reflection on His Word, I am strengthened inwardly. During those times when I let myself become lackadaisical about spending time in prayer, I run the risk of allowing sinful thoughts and a negative attitude to take root in my heart.

Like a persistent cough that leaves me hoarse, failure to spend time with God wears out my spiritual resolve. Only when I return to a pattern of engaging in a meaningful, consistent prayer and devotional life, do I find my spiritual health being restored. In the last eighteen months, God has used my morning routine to get me to focus on him. As I sit quietly in the bathroom, letting my nebulizer fill my lungs with fortifying medication, I open my heart as I read God’s Word and let him fill my soul with His presence.

I am thankful for the ways that God meets me in my weakest moments. Parts of my life as mundane and time consuming as managing cystic fibrosis, can become precious and uplifting when they are spent with God. My morning prayers may originate in the bathroom, but I am confident that they find their way to the throne of heaven.



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