Thursday, April 13


Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight. --Proverbs 3:5-6

How often do we take full credit for things that were really the result of God's work? Why is it that we are inclined to blame God when things aren't going well, rather than accept it? When things go well, do we feed our egos and attribute it to superior effort on our part?

To trust in the Lord completely for any situation or circumstance, we need to understand that the outcome is entirely in His hands. We trust that no matter what, His will is going to be done. Along those same lines, trusting Him means that we believe that His will is going to be brought about in a way that is best for us. This may or may not mean that the end result is going to be appealing or in line with our expectations. Sometimes we may not even understand the results.

I have learned that it's okay if life doesn't make sense. There are times when I actually prefer that it doesn't. If I understood the minutiae of every detail that is part of God's plan for my life, God would cease to be Sovereign in my mind. If I understood enough to answer every "why", I would be at the same level as the Creator, which should not be.

Because I am a creature, I must acknowledge God's presence and guiding hand no matter how I elect to proceed in my own ways. In doing so, my paths are made straight--even the most winding, daunting ones that test my knowledge and understanding of my place in God's world.



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