Tuesday, March 22

Fragrant Friendships

Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of one's friend springs from his earnest council. --Proverbs 27:9

True friends are the greatest type of people to have around. Sometimes I find myself wishing that I had a larger group of friends, but I've learned that it's better to have a few, close, genuine friends who encourage me on a regular basis, than to have a large group of acquaintances with whom I rarely keep in contact.

The close friends I have, I know very well. I understand each of their thought processes, and how their worldviews have been brought about by different life circumstances. I also know how a person's personality is reflected in the kind of advice he or she gives. For example, my quieter friends usually encourage me to spend more time communicating with God on a particular issue, while my more outspoken pals are quick to urge me to dive right into something new. Some friends are incredibly gifted at listening to me when I've had a rough day, and others are great at helping me stay on track with my spiritual life.

I find it interesting that King Solomon, famed wise man, talked about seeking counsel from friends. The fact that he compares this to pleasant perfume is a poignant reminder of the lingering effects of time spent in the company of a good friend. I have noticed in my own life in the way that my mood is enhanced for a number of days after having some serious "girl gab" with my closest sisterchick friends.

God has been doing a lot in my life lately in the friendship department. He is blessing me with new relationships and teaching me about how to be a supportive friend. I hope that as those friendships deepen, I can be a sort of pleasant fragrance in the lives of others. At the very least, I hope I don't stink at being a friend!



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